Quadrant Estates and Pirbright Holdings secure planning permission

Quadrant Estates and Pirbright Holdings have secured planning permission to redevelop 66 Hammersmith Road. The original Kensington Centre comprised a 50,000 sqft 1980’s office building and Quadrant Estates has worked with RPP Architects to create a 223,000 sqft (GEA) new building over 8 storeys. The redevelopment plans will expand the employment capacity of the scheme significantly. The concept has been designed with the needs of future occupiers in mind and incorporates new green living walls on the western façade, a roof garden, landscaped balconies and 310 bicycle spaces with associated showers and storage. Public spaces have been reinvigorated with a tree lined frontage to Hammersmith Road and two public spaces. Working with Hammersmith and Fulham Council, the developer has created a dedicated modern affordable work space for smaller business and over 9,000 sqft of retail space. Founding Partner, Tristram Gethin said “We are really proud to have delivered an outstanding design and achieving consent for this project that stays close to our original vision. Our aim is to deliver a best in class office building and set a new benchmark in service delivery for the eventual occupiers. We look forward to taking the next steps and delivering this project.” Pirbright Holdings Ltd acquired the site in 1989 for £20m and the site had previously been part of the Cadby Hall Estate where Joseph Lyons and cooperated one of the largest food business in the UK from the end of the 19th century.